Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Dear Readers,

Finally I am back home. Sadly, after three months of hospital, rehab and time at home, my mom passed away on Easter Sunday morning. She made a mighty effort to recover from her strokes and all else that happened to her through the wonders of modern medicine, but at last I think she realized that life would never be the same for her and in fact would be so reduced in quality that it was time to move on.

Some say that I was lucky to be able to be with her everyday for the last three months of her life, and indeed I was. But it made losing her that much more intense. We had our difficulties over the years, my mom and I. I was never probably the daughter she thought I would be. Still, in our later years, we found a way to be at peace with each other and treasure in each other what we could. I got so much from her. If anyone reading this has ever had trouble with your mother, I can say that she is in you, deep within you, and only time will show you in what ways. The good and the bad. Luckily for me, with my mom, it was mostly good.

Now I am back to my blog. We will see if I still have any readers. I hope so and I hope to hear from you. I have lots of books to post about and the first one is about a girl whom my mom could not stand. Ha! Life is so weird.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Welcome back, Judy!

    A to Z
