Thursday, September 22, 2005


OK, so I haven't posted for a while due to many things. I know one person noticed because she sent me an email about it. If anyone else has been checking for new stuff, thank you for your patience.

I have been reading and have lots of books to write about. I tried a post two nights ago but blogger was having personal problems and it didn't show up on the blog. To their credit, I sent a help (!!!) email to blogger and they answered with their apologies.

On to the books:

About A Boy, by Nick Hornby, was made into a funny, heartwarming movie with Hugh Grant playing the main character, Will. I've seen the movie twice and liked it very well, recommended it to others, but the book is so much better.

As I began reading it, I kept seeing Hugh Grant, which is why I hate seeing a movie before I've read the book. It actually took about 100 pages before I was really in the book and not the movie. In the book, Will's childhood and the reasons for his being the shallow guy he is are explained. Marcus' mom is not such an over the top character but a believable person. Hornby does an excellent job of portraying Marcus as a pre-teen boy who is emerging from the world of his parents and finding his own identity and views. Will does actually grow and change as a character into a guy who is facing real life. It happens because someone needs him and he is able to be of use. That also happens in the movie, but the emotional impact of the book is so much stronger and deeper. And it doesn't have that stupid school talent show stuff AT ALL. Who was the screenwriter and what was he thinking?

Now I have realized that I need to read High Fidelity, because I liked that movie a lot also, but maybe there is more in store for me in the book.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

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