Sunday, October 04, 2015


How do you like the image this month? Do you think it will get me more hits? Ha. It was so hot this past month, this could have been me reading. Except I have air conditioning and electric fans. 

I did not make it to the meeting at Skylight Books to discuss Elana Ferrante because I was under the weather literally. But Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay was wondrous. Sometimes when I love a book so much I am wary of discussing it with others. Does that ever happen to you?

October is looking good. I have already read two of the scheduled books but am eager to discuss them all.

The New Book Club:
Once Upon A Time Adult Reading Group:

One Book At A Time:

Tina's Group:

Bookie Babes:

I figure if I keep asking, someday someone might answer. What are you reading for a reading group this month? Did you notice there are 5 questions in this post? You may answer any one of them!!


  1. Questions are good; they elicit answers.
    I miss you, Judy; I really wish you came back to writing regular posts. I love your writing style and always learn about authors that I otherwise may not know.
    I agree with you that when I like a book it's difficult to discuss it with others. I like debate more than anyone on Earth (probably), but I get seriously discouraged when I recommend a book and someone doesn't like it. I feel like I wasted somebody else's time.
    We have coincided with same books this year because I joined NetGalley, so it's cheaper because I can sample new releases without actually having to buy them.
    Come back please!!! And contribute with comments on other sites; that actually connects you with others and your posts get noticed. That has happened to me this year.

    1. Carmen!! Thanks so much for your reply. And because one fan is better than none (or as we say in our house, more than zero) I will seriously consider putting up more regular review posts. I have had so much going on in my personal life the past year or so that I seem to have less time than I used to. The good news is that in the New Year I will be getting paid for some of my reviews! And I will take your advice on the comments. If I want comments, I better give some, right?

    2. Great news on getting paid for posts...I wish mine got noticed that way. Seriously, consider getting back and post often and contribute to other book blog sites regularly with comments, even if they don't read the same literature genres that you do. It's fun to find other bloggers out there and connect. It has made a significant difference for me. Besides, you can start by posting on Rhiannon's website a thanks for noting your blog as one of the 150 book blogs you should be reading. That would be a good way to start; visiting others usually makes them reciprocate. Your content is great, you just need a larger audience.
      Three great sites to start:

    3. Thanks Carmen. You are a good blogger friend indeed. I did as you suggested and went to your recommended sites and even left a message for Rhiannon giving you credit for sending me there. I am also realizing that I can get more traffic by posting about my reviews on my Twitter account. Are you on Twitter? It's all good and thanks again.

  2. I'm not doing any group reads but I wanted to stop by and say "hello." I'm glad you found my book blogger list. I like when we have tools to help us find each other. I am sporadic with comments but I hope to stay in touch on our blogs!

  3. I have assigned Anthony Marra's novel "Constellation of Vital Phenomenon" for my book club to discuss in early December. I have not read it yet but I'm hoping it'll be a good group read. Do you know?

    1. OMG it is so great for discussion. In the reading group I read it for, we went on and on. Plus it is an amazing read.

    2. That's good to hear about the Marra book! You now have me interested in the Lost Canyon book. I don't know this author, but it sounds like a real page-turner. I know there's a somewhat similar novel out these days called The Mountain Story by Lori Lansen, which I haven't read yet. (about the tram mountain area out at Palm Springs). But it sounds like Lost Canyon will blow that one out of the water. Judging from your review, it seems to blow a lot out of the water.

    3. I await your response to Lost Canyon!
