Sunday, February 28, 2021


 Though February was only 28 days short, it felt long. On the other hand I only read 9 books, I fell behind on my reviews and distractions were many. I started out with a book that took seven days to read, I had two missions of mercy to accomplish and I got my second COVID vaccine giving me a somewhat lost day feeling some reactions to the shot 24 hours later. I feel fine now and ready to take on March with renewed vigor.

It was satisfying to have read so much translated fiction and to put in more time than I have lately on My Big Fat Reading Project. I also finished a rough draft of a chapter for the book I am writing. 

Stats: 9 books read. 5 written by women. 2 mystery/thriller. 1 historical fiction. 2 nonfiction. 1 sci fi. 1 memoir. 3 translated. 3 for My Big Fat Reading Project.

Places I went: Poland, France, Egypt, United States (Maryland, Connecticut, Alabama, Wisconsin), Outer Space.

Authors New To Me: Casey Cep, Stanislaw Lem, David Tromblay

Favorites: Poland, Afterlife, Furious Hours, Birds of America

How was your reading in February? Have you read any of these books? 


  1. Despite your distractions, you read more books than most of us!

    1. Yes I did and I am ahead on my goal for the year. OK, I will stop worrying now-:)

  2. Judy, You have a great month for books - varied for sure and as always a few that I want to read since you shared : Afterlife and Poland.

    I'm curious about vaccine #2, Was it extreme fatigue as someone mentioned that to me with the Pfizer vac? My husband is having #2 Moderna Wednesday so curious.


    1. Thanks, Diane. I am glad you found a couple you want to read.
      My reaction was a feeling like the beginning of a cold or flu, some chills and a slight headache. It started almost exactly 24 hours later and was over by the end of the day. I took one extra-strength Tylenol and went under the covers while I listened to a podcast.
      What hit me strongly was the fact that if I had felt this way without the vaccine I could have been heading into actually having COVID and facing weeks of being ill. Instead I knew my immune system was being beefed up the way it should be.

    2. Judy, glad it was that temporary. It does sound similar to other part 2 reactions I've heard about, except for the one I mentioned, extreme fatigue and sleepiness. Thanks for responding.

  3. Sounds like you had a busy month, yet still managed to get a lot of reading done in 28 days!

    I haven't read any of the books on your list from February... But, I do have Casey Cep's book in my 'tbr' pile.

    1. I was surprised by Furious Hours. It is amazing and great. I will be reviewing that one next.

  4. Solaris...? Impressed! I *tried* to watch the Russian/Soviet film adaptation... FAILED. I was however *very* impressed with the George Clooney version. It was MUCH shorter than the original but was still very memorable.

    1. Good! I live to impress you-:) I had watched one of the movies though I don't remember which. All my husband and I remember is that it was extremely weird! Netflix only has the Russian one so I will try again. Anyway I admired the book and even liked it a lot at times.

  5. My husband and I had our second shot of the Pfizer vaccine on Saturday. He's had no noticeable reaction. Mine has been limited to a sore and slightly swollen arm so far. We feel very fortunate to have completed our course our course of vaccinations.

    And, oh yes, congratulations on another productive month of reading!

    1. Glad for you both! Now we can be out of the way for the many others who need it. This coming Saturday it will be one year since I began sheltering at home. Reading books, writing about books, and discussing books has been my salvation.

  6. i liked Solaris okay but it's not one of his best productions, imo... you really should try one of his Pirx the Pilot books: very funny and... Polish...

    1. I am going to try at least one Prix the Pilot books. Not much humor in Solaris.

  7. You read more than I did! And some of what I rad was manga so it's super easy to get through. So, I'd call that a huge win!

    1. You do know how to make a girl feel good!

  8. Olga's book was nice, but my favorite of the bunch here is definitely Solaris! I usually find classic scifi fascinating, well with one super disappointing disappointment for me: Foundation by Asimov. You had a nice and diverse month. Mine ended up quite balanced, without planning to, with 4 genres:

    1. Someday you will have to tell me what disappointed you in Foundation. I liked all three of those books. I was glad to finally read Solaris!

  9. I'm so glad you both are vaccinated and feeling good now! I'm curious about Furious Hours and wonder if I should go back & read that. Will look for your review.

  10. That’s good you’ve had your second shot but not so good you had a reaction.

    1. It was good, Heather. It's a known issue that the second one usually comes with a reaction, so I was lucky mine was minor.

  11. I see that you finished Solaris. Looking forward to your review.

    I've read books by Naguib Mahfouz but not "The beggar". Must look into it.

    Thanks for presenting your books this way, always fun to see what you've been up to.

    1. Yes, Solaris review coming next. The Beggar was good. Glad you enjoyed my presentation!

    2. I always do, you read such interesting stuff.
